Mitch Seres

Publicis Groupe Working With Cancer Pledge

I'm helping create a cancer free future

I’m joining Publicis this year to support Cancer Council in their mission for a cancer free future.

Because 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, I’m putting my body to the test to raise funds and show my support.

Please sponsor me to help support and provide vital services for Australians living with cancer.

Thank you for your generous donation. Together, we can free the future from cancer.

Thank you to my Sponsors



Only 1 week to go! Wishing you all the best from QMS!!


Damien Terakes

Go Mitch!



Great Job on winning most KMs!


Alex Brown

best of luck mitch, great cause


Anna Ybabao

Goo Mitch! Proud of all the work and effort you put into such an amazing cause. You never cease to amaze me in how beautiful of a human being you are and how you always put 110% in everythjng you do.


Emma Mayall


Michael Goode

Go off king xx


Lucile Dattin


Savannah Lee

Legend :)