Do it for Mara

By Vikki Wise

We're doing it for Mara

CLOTHING SALE - Saturday November 11th Willunga Quarry Market/CWA Hall

Bright, flamboyant, whimsical, quirky and fun, generous and lovely. These were some of Mara's wonderful attributes. 

Mara, who recently passed away from cancer, channelled much creative energy into clothes - sewing them, upcycling and modifying them with her unique style.

So, we are holding this clothing sale to honour Mara and others affected by cancer, and to raise funds for cancer research. 

The sale will include: 

 - upcycled clothes, scarves galore, unique bags, T-shirts with a message

 - sewing items, jewelry, artwork, costumes and more

 - items reasonably priced

 When: Saturday 11th November, 8.30am to 12.30pm.

Where: The Willunga Quarry Market and CWA Hall (stall extends from inside the hall to outside; you will see our bright stall from the Main Road entrance to the Quarry Market)

We look forward to seeing you at our stall. 

Please send our 'Do it for Mara' link to others who may be interested. 

Thank you to my Supporters


Do It For Mara


Peter Mcloughlin

Vikki Congratulations on you fundraising efforts and for honouring Mara’s memory