I’m challenging myself and my friends to shave our hair to support the prevention, cure and support of all cancers through Cancer Council Australia.
I, like many of you, have seen the devastating impacts that cancer can have. There are too many people close to me that I have seen deal with the fear and uncertainty that a cancer diagnosis (for themself and their loved ones) brings, I have seen them struggle with the long term effects of cancer treatment, and I've had to say goodbye far too soon.
Because 1 in 2 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, I’m losing my locks alongside some of my friends and family, to raise funds and show our support.
Please sponsor us to support cancer research and provide vital services for Australians living with cancer.
Thank you for your generous donation.
Thank you to our Sponsors

Tayla Fallon

Mark Winter
It takes an amazing human being to make a sacrifice for somebody who is in more pain and suffering then we could ever imagine.

Linda Grimmond
We are proud of your passion and courage to follow your heart. Love Mum and Dad

Bruce And Beth
A great cause that's close to our hearts.

Peter And Dorothy
Good on you all, Laura, Paul and Tim ! Well Done, and what a good cause. Dorothy and Peter


Go Tim!

Sharleen Gonzalez
Amazing, Laura. ❤

Michael & Raechel

Craig Grimmond
Awesome effort Jess, well done.

Sarah C


Rebekah Palmer

Sarah Campbell

Love you and love that you’re doing this for a great cause. F#%k cancer

Monica And Zan

Leah Bleier
Gonna rock it!!

Hazel Grimmond
Beautiful with and without hair. ❤️ 😍 💖

Josh & Teeg
Great work!!

Sandy And Nick Hampshire
Can’t wait to see bald Handsome Tim. What a great cause, legend!

Amanda And Sam
Great cause!

Nick Hood
The Moe must not go.

Guy Hawkins
Amazing, Jess and Laura. Go for it!

Libby Mcneil

Angie Farrell

Pablo stays!

Kai + Kaitlin

Ellen Sweeney

Brittany Foster
This is amazing, you’re a rockstar

Good on you Jess!

Lucy And Nott


Debra Elston
Great work Jess

Kelly & Dave
You are amazing!!!


Elston Forwards

Emily And Brodie
Can’t wait to see the new looks! Good on you guys, such a great cause ❤️ Keep the mo!

Tin Nguyen

Lyn Bourke

Alex Tisdell
Fantastic cause! Go Laura! <3


Wendy Dorrian
shave it and wave it away

Tegan Stettaford

Tim Wall

Linda Mcgavock
So impressed Jess! This is an amazing commitment for a very important cause. On ya girl!

James Evans
Go jess, such a great thing you're doing


Britt And Beau
Go Laura!

Hayley Cullen
Go team! :)

Paul Grimmond
Good on you Jess!

Harrison Saladine
Mo money mo problems. The mo shall stay

Blake Russell

Kate R
So proud of you Jess 💛


Nic M
The mo must stay.

Paul Berter

Ray Ray
Good luck!!

Well done Paul!

Darren Burke

My vote is for a handle-bar mo :]

Myles Young
Amazing work Laura + Jess - thanks so much for doing this

Laiton Hedley

Quentin & Caroline

Very proud of you for doing this!!

yaas go team! absolutely FUCK u cancer

Jeremy Herd
I vote for leaving the Mo but dying it bright pink

Kylie Grimmond
You're gonna love it 🥰

Olivia Whalen
Just awesome!!

Kristen Pammer

The Casseldons
Good on you matey. Get ready to feel soooo aerodynamic xxxxxx

Liz Asimus

Jess Fallon

Laura Berter

Jan & Barry Whitney
We are so proud of you. Love Nana and Pop

Med Dehghani

Alison Rigby

Tegan B

Hannah Ferrara

Tegan Bradley

Stephen Pickard
Awesome effort guys!!!

Tanya P

Emina Subasic


Matt Lee
Go the new 'do Jess!

Belinda Liddell
Good on you Laura and team!

Kristen Mccarter
Good on you Laura

Dylan Baker

Kristy Broadbridge
Go Jess!! ❤️

Ali Burgun

Stephanie Broadbridge


Jackson Prater

Mark Berriman
Keep the mo

Liz Kennedy
Very proud of you!


Cassandra Liddle
Mo should stay hehe

Will Bullock
The mo must stay!

Hunter Wall

Faye Nitschke

Alex Woolf

Matt T
The mo must go on

Guillaume Lemaire
Clean slate. Smooth like a dolphin

Emma Axelsson
Very brave - for a great cause.


Rose Beh
Great cause!!!!!!!!!!!

Melissa Freire
Good luck!

Heather Douglas

Casey Regan
Good on you Laura and Jess. Amazing 🤩

Jessica Chatterton

Lauren Kirk

Madeline Scully

Hayley Laurendet Saint

On ya Jess ❤️