Sunday Soiree 2024

By Charles Bracewell & Thomas Robertson-Mallias


After banking $6,028 from 2024's Sunday's Soiree, we have now raised over $16,000 for Cancer Council Tasmania in just two years!! PSYKHE and I send massive hugs to the Moonah Arts Centre and CCT teams (including CCT's fab CEO Alison Lai pictured here) for the great work they do for the community... to Di, Dean and Joseph for their sterling work on the night... to prize donors Vincent Handmade, Tracey and Sielito, CTST, Annette Anagnostis, Lynne Logan and Anonymous... and to the gorrrgeous audiences who join us each year xx

My Updates

Hooray for Sunday Soiree 2024!

Tuesday 24th Sep
Thank you to the fabulous audience that joined us on Sunday 22 September to sing, celebrate and laugh the house down, while raising $$$ for CCT. We are doing our final sums, fairly confident that we will announce an over $5k total at the end of this week. If you weren't able to attend, please consider making a donation and lifting our tally still higher xx

Thank you to my Supporters


Box Office


Raffle And Silent Auction


Charles Bracewell


Charles Bracewell


Cash Donors


Donations On The Night


Farewell Morning Tea


Jane Macdonald