Pink Power for a Cause Lunch - Saturday 28th October

By Vickie Magic

Join us next Saturday 28th October for 'PINK POWER FOR A CAUSE LUNCH'.

Last Friday 16 lovely ladies got together to raise money for Cancer at our regular monthly lunch, we raised $235.

So I thought it would be cool to invite more ladies to get together before the end of October, to raise more money.

I’m hosting a lunch to change the future for all Queensland women.

28th October
Circa Rooftop 
1230 start

Can you join us?

Let me know and I will send you details.

In the meantime you are very welcome to make a donation.

Did you know that every day almost 12 Queensland women will hear those dreaded words, “you have cancer” and while the survival rate has increased, there is still more work to be done.

That’s why I’m bringing everyone together - to raise funds to get us closer to a future free from women’s cancers.

I would love for your support!  Come along to this lunch next Saturday or donate today on this page.  

By supporting my Girls’ Pink Power for a cause lunch , you will contribute to freeing the future from cancer. 

Your support will be powering vital research, prevention and support services. Making a difference to so many in their most vulnerable time, now and into the future.

Together, we can create a future for all Queensland women.

Thank you to my Supporters


Vickie Magic


Melissa Payne