Paul Berter

For those we love

Should the mo stay, or shave it away? YOU decide!

If you've seen me in the last couple of months, you'll be aware of the new whiskers I've been sporting. What do you think? Is it a classy addition to my look, or is it more like a caterpillar has taken residence on my upper lip? Well, now you have the chance to make your opinion heard. 

To up the ante a little on my fundraising, every donation to my page gets a vote: "mo should stay" or "shave it away". Whichever side raises the most money by March 21, that's what I'll be doing!

I will, of course, be shaving the top of my head regardless of the outcome.

To cast your vote, just include it in the comment attached to your donation, or send me a message on my socials.

Thank you to my Supporters




Nick Hood

The Moe must not go.



Pablo stays!


Wendy Dorrian

shave it and wave it away


Harrison Saladine

Mo money mo problems. The mo shall stay


Blake Russell




Nic M

The mo must stay.


Paul Berter



Well done Paul!



My vote is for a handle-bar mo :]



yaas go team! absolutely FUCK u cancer


Jeremy Herd

I vote for leaving the Mo but dying it bright pink


Med Dehghani


Tegan B


Dylan Baker


Jackson Prater


Mark Berriman

Keep the mo


Cassandra Liddle

Mo should stay hehe


Will Bullock

The mo must stay!


Matt T

The mo must go on


Guillaume Lemaire

Clean slate. Smooth like a dolphin